Fiit's law simulator

Fall 2017



  1. Create a canvas that is 640x480
  2. When the user clicks their mouse for the first time, start the simulation.
    • Record the current time using the millis function.
    • Draw a square at a random position.
      • The random x-coordinate will be between 0-600.
      • The random y-coordinate will be between 0-400.
      • The square size will be 40x40.
      • Record the mouseX and mouseY position at this time.
    • Everytime the user presses their mouse, increment a counter.
      • If the user clicks in the box, then record how long it took.
        • Add this to an array data structure to store these times.
        • You add elements to arrays by 'pushing them'
      • Calculate the distance from the previously recorded mouseX and mouseY variables. Push these values in a separate array.
      • If the user misses the square, tally that as an error.
  3. For display you may find useful: text
  4. Consult the Reference for more commands and add at least one new element our library beyond what I have done.